Friends of the MSD Foundation

  • Adrià Melús Cuadra – the hours spent in the preparation of this web site are many, changes, delays, problems … but you did with a high professional level. Job well done does not have borders, Adrian, you’re a crack!! (brother of the Ivet)


  • Kronos Temps x Aprendre – friends are to help and the Laia Grau has released a video made with a lot of sweetness and love. The profession will note in the details. Thank you for your dedication and speed.


  • Eva Maria Corbal San Adriánnotary of Terrace who apart from give us your support has helped us in the establishment of the Foundation. We are very grateful to both of your computer such as Ms. Corbal who has overseen our project and signed the Constitution.


  • RIUS CONSULTORS – Office of advisors of Terrace – without your fantastic help hagés not been a reality our project. The advice, the support in the preparation of the documentation for the establishment of the Foundation. Its totally selfless involvement. … the people support people and our cause I needed firm foundations and follow a guided path. Thanks to Mr. Enric riuss and Ms. Eva Albet.


  • LATGRÀFICS – print and Design – an entity must have a logo that represents and Latgràfics has managed to represent graphically our struggle with an image sensitive and affectionate. We are immensely grateful for without asking them and as volunteers, have given us the push we needed to raise us as an entity. The design to reflect the protection of the family, the fragility of the Ivet, her innocence and sweetness like that of every child. Thanks, Núria and Rafa.


  • Angels Pujantell Cabanas – Dedicated and given to our cause. The domain name in English is essential for communication with the family, members of the other foundations and foreign researchers. A thousand thanks for your time and love.


  • Conxita Ro, Josep Mª Perés and friends-A birthday gift is better invested in. .. We will drive the scientific research to improve the lives of a few children who unfortunately, suffer an illness extremely minority, such as MSD. Your grand gesture and that of your friends fill us of hopes. A thousand thanks for your unconditional support. The Ivet is very lucky to have you both close by.


  • Mariana Herrero  Fontanet – Mariana has been the first person to start our campaign, making his birthday gift in a donation to an organization still innexistent, but with a target that already encircled by our dreams. A thousand thanks for your candid thoughts, we have guided towards promoting research to ensure that the science take a step toward Gene therapy treatment for MSD.

Many thanks to ALL!

The MSD Foundation – Multiple Deficit of Sulfactasa aims to promote and support the developments in the scientific research of the disease, MSD.

Help us to make this possible!

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